
Overdraft loans are provided to individuals on following terms:

1. The client must be the holder of the card of the SSB of RT "Amonatbonk" and receive a salary or pension through the Bank;

2. The client must have a good credit history and must not have debts to other financial institutions or prove the ability to cope with all their loans;


You must submit the following documents to apply for overdraft loans:

1. Application for connection  of the service;

2. Passport with TIN

3.The signing of the contract

4. Notification of the organization in which the applicant works

Basic conditions:

1. Annual interest rate 22%, monthly 1.8%

2.The loan amount is up to 80% of the salary or pension amount, without providing collateral

3. The term of granting a loan in accordance with the agreement is up to 36 months

Overdraft benefits:

1. The Bank's Client with a lack of funds on the payment card, can withdraw up to 80% of his salary or pension (get a loan) at the expense of the Bank at the desired time.

2. Minimal set of documents and save time.

3. Overdraft is not a targeted loan. Therefore, you can use the loan funds for various needs.

4. Interest is calculated only on the used overdraft balance.

5. If the overdraft is not used, no interest is calculated.

6. The credit line is constantly renewed. There is no need to resubmit documents and visit the Bank. The main condition is timely repayment of the loan.

7. An overdraft loan is provided without collateral and a guarantor.

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