State Strategy for Combating Corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030

11 july 2023

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 3 August 2021, №222 "State Strategy to Combat Corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030", the Amonatbank's employees represented by the chief specialist of the Legal Department held an explanatory meeting with the employees of branches of SUE SB RT "Amonatbonk" in Khatlon region and Rasht district.

It was noted that the main goal and objective of the implementation of this strategy is to raise anti-corruption awareness of the population and create an atmosphere of intolerance to corruption, to eliminate causes and conditions conducive to corruption and, in general, to reduce the incidence of corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan, in particular the development of democratic values aimed at improving the welfare of people.

It was emphasised that the main means of ensuring an open fight against corruption is to strengthen the transparency of the activities of the employees of the branch, as well as providing access to information, carrying out activities to create a general climate of intolerance to corruption, increasing the activity of employees in the fight against corruption.

In order to gradually implement the action plan of the State Unitary Enterprise “Savings Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan “Amonatbonk”” on the "State strategy to combat corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030", the employees of branches of Amonatbank were instructed to pay special attention to the qualitative and timely implementation of items of this plan.

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