
A solemn event dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.
05 september 2023

A solemn event dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In the Central Office of the State Unitary Enterprise SB RT "Amonatbank" was held a solemn meeting dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of state independence with the direct participation of the management and staff of the Bank, Assistant to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on economic issues Hikmatullozod Nematullo, as well as the national poet of Tajikistan Muhammad Goib.

Cultural and spiritual enlightenment of Amonatbank employees by watching a theatre performance
22 august 2023

Cultural and spiritual enlightenment of Amonatbank employees by watching a theatre performance

Theater is indeed a great school, and each of its performances is a living book, a life lesson, guiding the viewer to goodness and truth, loyalty and love, humanity and patriotism, self-consciousness and national pride, playing a major role in the spiritual, political and aesthetic education of each personality. On August 22 of the current year, the management and employees of the State Unitary Enterprise SB RT "Amonatbank" academic drama theater named after A. Lohuti".

In Gorno-Badakhshan  (Mountain Badakhshan) Autonomous Region, a meeting was held on the topic " State Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030"
22 august 2023

In Gorno-Badakhshan (Mountain Badakhshan) Autonomous Region, a meeting was held on the topic " State Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030"

In essence the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated August 3, 2021 No. 222 “State Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period until 2030”, the chief lawyer of the office of the Chairman of the Board of Amonatbank Yusupov B.G., held a meeting with employees of the branches of SUE «Savings bank of the Republic of Tajikistan «Amonatbonk»» in the GBAO.

Educational training to improve women's leadership skills
17 august 2023

Educational training to improve women's leadership skills

On August 17, 2023 in the headquarter of the SUE SB RT "Amonatbank"  on the initiative of the Committee for Work with Women and Family under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan was held a training session on the action plan "State program on training, selection and placement of management personnel from among talented women and girls for 2023-2030".

Football players of "Amonatbank" - one of the strongest teams
12 august 2023

Football players of "Amonatbank" - one of the strongest teams

On August 11 of the current year was held a solemn event dedicated to the victory of the football team "Amonatbank" in small football competitions for the "Cup of the Football Federation of Tajikistan 2023" among non-professional teams. The event was attended by the Bank's management, employees and Secretary General of the Tajikistan Football Federation Furkat Akhmedjonov, Director of the Tajikistan Futsal League Bakhtovar Melikov, Head Coach of the Tajikistan national futsal team Payrav Vokhidov.

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