Working meeting of the Chairman of the Board of the State Savings Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan "Amonatbonk" with employees of branches and banking service centers of the SSB of the RT"Amonatbonk" of the Kulob district of the Khatlon region.

01 june 2021

On May 29, 2021 Chairman of the Board of the State Savings Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan "Amonatbonk" Ikromi S.S., Deputy Chairman of the Board Sayfzoda Sh.J. and heads of structural divisions of the central office of the SSB of the RT "Amonatbonk" held a working meeting with the employees of branches and banking service centers of the State savings bank of the Republic of Tajikistan "Amonatbonk" in the Kulob district of the Khatlon region.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman of the Board of the SSB RT "Amonatbonk" Ikromi S.S. summed up the results of the activities of branches and banking service centers in the Kulob district for the first 4 months of this year.

It was noted that today the working conditions in the branches and banking service centers of the Kulob district are organized at the appropriate level and equipped with the necessary equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to use the created conditions to ensure a high level and quality of banking services to the population, and in this regard, work on the development and use of modern banking products, such as Amonat-Mobile and conducting explanatory work for the population to connect to SMS notifications.

The Bank's management stated that all employees in the industry should prioritize ethics and culture of communication with clients, as well as a high sense of employee responsibility.

The head of the Department for Regulation and Supervision of Banking Centers Haknazarzoda Jurabek also spoke at the meeting and noted that today there are 10 branches and 69 banking service centers of the SSB of the RT "Amonatbonk" in the Kulob district of the Khatlon region.

Every day in the branches and CBO of the Kulob district, various banking services are provided to the population, such as money transfers of individuals without opening an account, consulting services on all banking operations, cash transactions, payment of pensions and benefits, reception and replacement of outdated money, receipt of utility bills and other services.

During the meeting, the results of the performance indicators of the banking service centers were presented and the proposals of the heads of departments and employees to eliminate the existing shortcomings were heard.

At the end of the meeting, the banking service center №521 of the branch №58 of the SSB of the RT "Amonatbonk" in the Vose district, the banking service center of the branch №559 of the branch №61 in the Farkhor district and the banking service center of the branch №593 of the branch №65 in the Sh.Shokhin district were awarded the Honorary a diploma for achieving positive economic results and exemplary functioning of banking services.

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